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Hotchkiss School

School rating 4 / 5 by

11 Interlaken Road Lakeville CT 06039 United States
9th to PG
9th to PG


Hotchkiss School review by .

Hotchkiss is like a mini-college, situated in the woods. Within this beautiful scenery lies small classes taught by professors, whom are constantly within reach (each residence hall's floor has faculty). The quality of classes was great and very intensive, but the amount of work and choice selections in reading really prepares the student for college. Also, the small size helps facilitate discussions, preparing students to voice their opinions at the college level. There are Saturday classes, but it never was a bother. The biomedical/biotechnological ethics and other biology courses (such as Anatomy, Neuroanatomy, and Biotech) were quite interesting despite intensive in study.

College Counseling

College counseling was excellent. The counselors were successful in placing students in their college....

Sample insights on college counseling

  • They have contacts at most of the major universities and feel perfectly comfortable picking up the phone and advocating for a student to get accepted somewhere they feel is a good fit for that student. However, these counselors are certainly not magic bullets. They cannot guarantee that a student will get into an Ivy League university...
  • For those wishing to move on to Oxford or Cambridge, the provision is second-to-none. In the months running up to application and interview, every subject faculty offers classes (often run by former Oxbridge tutors) exploring further areas of their subject as well as offering advice on personal statements, interview technique and more...

Admissions - Getting Accepted

SSAT: Aim for as early as possible prior to admission. Range should be around....

Sample insights on admissions

  • For the interview, dress conservatively. Try to be very clean and put together. Also, I was a tour guide for two years and at the end of every tour, we were asked to evaluate the candidate so if you think the tour is not apart of the process, you are very wrong. Ask questions and be interested. Also, tip for the parents: the kids speak on the tour. Do not ask their questions for them...
  • Most younger siblings have an easy time in the admissions process. I can only think of one case of a younger sibling not being admitted. About half of the students who entered with me had come from public schools. The remainder came from private K-6 schools, or had transferred from other New York private schools The Elizabeth Morrow School and St. Bernard were two of the larger feeder schools...

School Life

Small campus, rural setting...means lack of things to do off-campus outside of clubs, and there's barely any crime. Small campus also allows for one to get to know pretty much everybody at school. Buildings are all easily within walking distance, housing varies from singles to triples. Dining plan gets repetitive....

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